Carnival - Day 4
3:27 PM
This day, we use the catwoman costume
two beautiful girls, who can be called kittens.
We use glitter in our hair, we made cat's whiskers with eyeliner and nose with pink lipstick.
Portuguese Version:
Neste dia, nós usamos a fantasia de mulher gato
Duas lindas moças, que podem ser chamadas de gatinhas.
Usamos glitter no cabelo, nós fizemos bigode de gato com lápis de olho e o nariz com batom rosa.
I, Aghata and our cat tails.
My Mother was a bunny
My beautiful Bunny
I, Aghata and Hugo, He dressed like a woman
we're cute and angry
Aghata, mom and me
I, Aghata, and men dressed as women
his costume was purple doll
we took photo with "scorpions" by mortal kombat
And here we present "Captain Jack Sparrow" a woman.
And After... we were both tired from the night.
Ah! we both not, three of us.
Not forgetting my makeup done amazing
with golden glitter and face cream.
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